15 Fun Monster Crafts for Kids

15 Fun Monster Crafts for Kids

If you want to prepare for the holiday while spending quality time with your kids, these Halloween crafts for kids are just what you need. We’ve put together a list of cute and easy monster crafts for you and your kids to enjoy. Check them out and start crafting now!

can monsters

1. Can Monsters from BHG


monster mugs

2. Monster Mugs from Repeat Crafter Me


Paper Bag Monsters

3. Paper Bag Monsters from Our Thrifty Ideas


Monster Wreath

4. Monster Wreath from Taking Care of Monkey Business


Googley Eyed Green Blobs

5. Googley Eyed Green Blobs from Make and Takes

Glitter Slime Monsters

6. Glitter Slime Monsters from The 36th Avenue


Yarn Monsters

7. Yarn Monsters from Eighteen25


Toilet Paper Roll Monsters

8. Toilet Paper Roll Monsters from Crafts Unleashed


tissue-box tattle monster

9. Tissue-Box Tattle Monster from Giggles Galore


painted monster rocks

10. Painted Monster Rocks from PiedraCreativa


Monster Puppets

11. Monster Puppets from Kix Cereal


Colorful Pasta Monsters

12. Colorful Pasta Monsters from Crafts by Amanda


Cardboard Box Monsters

13. Cardboard Box Monsters from Woo! Jr.


Ping Pong Ball Monsters

14. Ping Pong Ball Monsters from Kids Activities Blog


Monstrous Tissue Pom Poms

15. Monstrous Tissue Pom Poms from Persia Lou

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